RURALBAND knows your business needs to stay connected, that's why we deliver reliable, lightning-fast speeds. Handle daily tasks, like uploads, downloads, and email OR run multiple cloud-based apps, services, and backup. With RURALBAND business, there are a variety of speeds to choose from. Keep your business online with RURALBAND's business internet.
Business Phone
Business Phone service can be added to any internet package for a low price of $21/month.
Please call Member Services at 804-834-2424 for Enterprise Business Phone cost estimates.
Application for Business Internet
Members interested in receiving internet services AND have received direct communication from RURALBAND should complete an application.
Don't want to apply online? Paper applications can be forwarded to, mailed to RURALBAND, P. O. Box 196, Waverly, VA 23890, or can be taken to our Waverly office. Click the "Business Application Download" button below to get started.