Oct 21, 2024
There’s still time to take advantage of a $75 credit on your first month’s bill when you complete a RURALBAND application! Members who complete the application by Oct. 31, 2024, will receive a $75 credit on their first month’s bill.
Join more than 5,000 members who are enjoying the RURALBAND experience featuring:
No data caps: Your download and upload speeds will never be capped.
Lateral upload and download speeds: What you pay for is what you get for both download and upload speeds.
Fiber Connection: Our fiber lines don't stop outside your home. They connect inside your home to provide the highest speeds possible.
24/7 Technical Support: We're here for our members with unbeatable, local member service and 24/7 technical support.
Complete an application today: https://www.ruralband.coop/home-internet-application